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Advanced Shuffle v1.5

Advanced Shuffle plugin v1.5

Advanced Shuffle plugin supports a multi-level shuffling of tracks with 3 modes for each level (The simple, list and, order).
Each level can be activated or disactivated independently. For example, if playlists shuffling is turned off, plugin is going to mix groups and tracks in the current playlist only. When groups shuffling is turned off, the groups will not be taken into account, When tracks shuffling is turned off, plugin will play the first track from the playlist or group.


The plugin has a switch associated with the menu item “Miscellaneous” and a hot keys, and automatically checks the status of the built-in shuffle and doesn’t interfere when it is activated. Status of plugin with respect to the built-in color mixing displayed settings tab header.
– fixed the bugs of version 1.4
– added the ability to exclude playlists from mixing, other plugins able too.
Last Updated: 02/05/2019
File size: 1.2 MB
Contains: Advanced Shuffle plugin